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Water leak detection guides & eBooks


The Big Problem With Small Water Leaks

Small water leaks are often overlooked - but they're responsible for significant damage and downtime. Discover they come from, why they go unnoticed, and the far-reaching impacts they have, from structural damage, to sick building syndrome, to increased insurance premiums.


What Happens When Water Leaks

A non-technical guide that explains how water behaves when it leaks, and how this contributes to damage and downtime in commercial and industrial buildings. Spoiler alert: water doesn't always behave logically. 


How to Calculate ROI for Your Water Leak Detection Solution

Learn how to make both a back-of-the-envelope calculation to sense-check decisions, as well as a more detailed calculation that will stand up to significant scrutiny.


Guide to Wireless Communication Protocols - for Water Leak Detection Sensors

A non-technical explanation of the pros and cons of six popular wireless communication protocols, specifically focusing on their use for water leak detection use cases.


Everything You Need To Know About Water Leak Detection In Commercial Buildings

A concise overview suitable for anyone who wants to better understand the sources and impact of water leaks in commercially owned buildings, and explore effective solutions for early detection.

Water leak detection white papers


Technical Comparison of Wireless Water Leak Detection Sensors

A detailed technical comparison of 34 commercially available wireless water leak sensors.

Data sheets & technical documents

Severn WLD data sheet

Severn WLD user manual